Partners informations

Laboratoire d’Informatique de Paris 6 (LIP6) – Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris 6 – Key Contact is Guy Pujolle
LIP6 is one of the most important Computer Science laboratories in France. With more than 400 people, LIP6 covers a large number of research areas contributing to the structure a communication system such as microelectronic, networking, distributed systems, robotic, artificial intelligence, programming language and software engineering.

The PHARE team of LIP6 participating in this project have leading expertise in the research on architectures, protocols and algorithms for the next generation communication networks. New technologies for network control, in particular in wireless networks, are studied in depth from different aspects: integration of different technologies, vertical handover, QoS and security management in heterogeneous networks. Past and current national and European projects that this group has been involved include ITEA projects (AMBIENCE, ADANETS, SUMO); Celtic project (Authone), FP6 project (ANWIRE), and national projects @IRS++, GITAN, RADIC-SF, Safari, SUN, I2TIT, BBnet, Sarah.

CV of participating key persons

Guy Pujolle received the Ph.D. and "Thèse d'Etat" degrees in Computer Science from the University of Paris IX and Paris XI on 1975 and 1978 respectively. He is currently a Professor at the Pierre et Marie Curie University (Paris 6) and a member of the Scientific Advisory Board of Orange/France Telecom Group. He spent the period 1994-2000 as Professor and Head of the computer science department of Versailles University. He was also Professor and Head of the MASI Laboratory (Pierre et Marie Curie University), 1981-1993, Professor at ENST (Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Télécommunications), 1979-1981, and member of the scientific staff of INRIA,

1974-1979. He is currently an editor for International Journal of Network Management, WINET, Annals of Telecommunications, and IEEE Surveys & Tutorials.

Thi-Mai-Trang Nguyen received her Engineer degree in Telecommunications from HoChiMinh city University of Technology, Vietnam, in 1999, M.S. degree in Computer Science from University of Versailles, France, in 2000, and Ph.D degree in Computer Science from University of Paris 6, France, in 2003. She is currently associate professor at University of Paris VI. Dr. Nguyen is a member of the IEEE. She has involved in many national and European projects related to the development of the next generation of the Internet. She also has publications in international journals and has one French patent on mobile networking. Her main research interest is the design of new architecture, protocols and algorithms related to the quality of service, security and mobility management.

TELECOM SudParis member of TELECOM & Management SudParis (ex GET-INT) - Key Contact is Djamal Zeghlache

TELECOM SudParis is one of the education and research centres of Institut TELECOM (previously known as “Groupe des Ecoles des Télécommunications”. GET remains the legal entity). “Institut TELECOM” is a federation of prestigious French graduate research and education centers in telecommunications known as “Grandes Ecoles” in the field of information and communication science and technology. The members are: TELECOM ParisTech, TELECOM Bretagne, TELECOM SudParis, TELECOM Ecole de Management, Télécom Lille1 and the EURECOM Institute. TELECOM SudParis and TELECOM Ecole de Management are co-located in Evry and referred jointly as TELECOM & Management SudParis (ex GET-INT). The group (Institut TELECOM) relies on 550+ full-time Faculty to educate around 4600 students and train scientists including an average of 600 graduate students. TELECOM SudParis is involved in several EU projects including projects such as 4WARD, and MAGNET Beyond. The Faculty actively partakes in Eureka programs through ITEA and Celtic projects such as S4All, SUMO, Expeshare and CAM4Home. Institut TELECOM is a member of FP7 NoE EuroNF dedicated to R&D research on the Network of the Future. At the national level, the team involved from TELECOM SudParis is involved in ANR projects such as SEAMLESS and Byotiful and is an active member of “Pôle de Compétitivité” System@tic. The team involved in the HORIZON proposal has know how in wireless networks and services and in computer science with emphasis on: wireless access networks, radio resource management, fixed and computer networks, networking, grids, naming and addressing, service and context discovery and autonomic management, establishment and maintenance of network and service overlays and virtual networks, security and applied mathematics and optimization to networks and systems.

Interest in HORIZON

The scientific interests of GET-INT are in the creation, design, implementation and evaluation of new paradigms for the future Internet and future networks with emphasis on virtualisation, networking of information and in-network management paradigms applied to the provisioning and maintenance of virtual networks. In

Horizon TELECOM SudParis will partake in context awareness and situation awareness building to support autonomic management and control of virtual networks and virtualized resources. 

Unique role in HORIZON

TELECOM SudParis on the basis of the foreseen involvement and activities will contribute and lead the design of the HORIZON autonomous management to fulfill the secure on demand provisioning and management of customizable virtual networks. TELECOM SudParis will exploit the results of project HORIZON through its internal experimental platforms, the horizon demonstrator and its involvement at the national level in experimental clusters such as Poseidon (lead by System@tic). In addition, TELECOM SudParis will train scientists in the field of virtualization and autonomic in-network management to prepare our graduates and researches to become an active force of the network of the future. TELECOM SudParis will ensure technology transfer towards the consortium industrial partners (SMEs) and enrich its IPR portfolio by cooperating with the HORIZON consortium members. TELECOM SudParis will pursue with Horizon technology transfer towards key

French manufacturers and providers once the virtualization technology produced by HORIZON has been consolidated and validated.

CVs of Key personnel intended to work in the HORIZON project

Djamal Zeghlache: Professor

Djamal Zeghlache graduated from SMU in Dallas, Texas in 1987 with a PhD. in Electrical Engineering and joined the same year Cleveland State University as an Assistant Professor. In 1990 and 1991 he worked with the NASA Lewis Research Centre on mobile satellite terminals, systems and applications. In 1992 he joined the Networks and Services Department at INT where he currently acts as Professor and Head of the Wireless Networks and Multimedia Services Department. He acts as lead scientist for INT in European project MAGNET Beyond. He is also an expert group member of the eMobility Platform at the European level for framework program 7 and involved in WWRF working groups 2, 3 and 6. His interests and research activities span a broad spectrum of issues related to wireless networks and services. Research interests of Professor Zeghlache include, besides dynamic adaptation and configuration of wireless networks and services, virtualization and the allocation and autonomous management of virtual networks. He also conducts research on context awareness, service discovery and information networking, dissemination and management.
Phone: +33 1 60 76 47 15 or +336 30 67 73 28
Fax: +33 1 60 76 45 78 

Éric Renault: Associate Professor

Éric Renault graduated from the University of Versailles, Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, France in 2000 with a PhD. in Parallel Computing. He served as an assistant professor at the University of Orsay in 1999-2000 and at the University of Versailles, Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines in 2000-2001. In 2001, he worked as a research associate at Dartmouth College, New Hampshire, in the Institute for Security Technology Studies. Since late 2001, he is an associate professor in the Computer Science Department at GET/INT. His interests and research activities include parallel and distributed computing, security, RFID systems and wireless networks. The current focus is improving communications by reducing the size of the protocol stack and providing lightweight security to systems, i.e. providing adapted security mechanisms for protection against different kind of attacks at the lowest possible cost.
Phone: +33 1 60 76 45 56
Fax: +33 1 60 76 47 80

Marc Girod Genet: Associate Professor

Graduated from Université de Versailles in 2000 with a doctoral Degree in Computer Science and joined INT as research scientists to work on European and National research and development projects until 2004. He also holds a Master’s degree for the Stevens Institute of Technology, USA. He was involved in the following National projects: DILAN and MMQoS. At the European level he played a key role for INT-GET in MONASIDRE and currently doing the same in FP6 IP project MAGNET. In 2004 he joined TELECOM SudParis as a full time Associate Professor. His research interests include: optimization and learning in telecommunications and computer networks, policy based management and control, AA frameworks for networks and services, context and service discovery management and provisioning.
Phone: +33 1 60 76 47 36 

Ginkgo Networks - Key Contact is Hubert Zimmermann

Ginkgo Networks SA is a company incorporated in France. It has won nation-wide contests for innovative companies, with access to sizeable funding as a result. It addresses the self-managed networking behaviour.

Ginkgo technology targets: companies, equipment manufacturers and operators. It offers network nodes updated with autonomous agents to provide the right network behaviour depending on its current state. These autonomous agents are modules injected in the network nodes. Ginkgo-Networks technology is unique because it is linked to a double skill almost non-existent today coming from the field of Intelligent agent software and a smart networking paradigm (the use of intelligent agents for the control and the management of the network). These concepts allow (1) a dynamic and intelligent control of the equipment in a local manner, (2) a global network control in a cooperative manner, (3) a more autonomous network management, (4) a better warranty of the quality of service in an end-to-end manner and (5) a simplification of implementation and processes needed to run network-based services

Ginkgo, as leader in autonomic environment industry, is involved in this project to design the new knowledge plane in the legacy network architecture. Ginkgo is also interested in designing network element control and reference service architectures. Ginkgo leads three work packages: WP 1.2, WP 2.4 and WP 4.1. 

H. ZIMMERMANN Hubert was Director High Availability SW Engineering at Sun Microsystems in California.

Hubert was also founder and CEO of Chorus Systems, a global system software company that he sold to Sun Microsystems. Prior to Chorus, Hubert led a number of R&D projects at INRIA, at France Telecom R&D and with the French Ministry of Defense. One of Hubert's other credentials was leading the development and the international standardization of the 7-layer OSI reference model at ISO and CCITT.


Devoteam - Key Contact is Franck Gueguen 

Devoteam is an international expert centre within tele and data communications with special focus on "Next Generation Networks" (NGN).

Devoteam is working both with major vendors, global and national operators and service providers in our niche areas of competence to deliver telecommunication networks, packet (IP) based communications and end-toend services and solutions.
Franck Gueguen
DEVOTEAM / BU Telecom / Directeur de projets
3, rue Blaise Pascal, 22300 Lannion, FRANCE
Tel : +33 2 96 48 74 22, mobile : +33 6 23 97 25 85
Email :

UFRJ (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro) – Key Contact is Otto Duarte

The Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ - Federal University of Rio de Janeiro) is the oldest and most important federal university of Brazil. In UFRJ, COPPE (Coordenação dos Programas de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia) is one of four units that constitute up the Technology Center of the University, the other three being the undergraduate School of Engineering, the School of Chemical Engineering and the Institute of Macromolecules.

COPPE’s defining characteristic is the overriding priority assigned to teaching and basic engineering research, graduating highly qualified engineers, as well as to the generation of advanced state-of-the-art concepts in the service of social, technical, and economic development of Brazil. The major emphasis of the teaching and research faculty is on research as well as on training of master’s and doctoral degree students.

COPPE’s interface with industry is COPPETEC Foundation. Applied industrial research, expert technical opinion and consultancy, extension courses and technical workshops as well as related activities are all carried out by means of contracts between the Foundation and clients requiring consultancy or technical services.

The Grupo de Teleinformática e Automação (GTA – Computer Network Research Group) began its activities on March 1986. Currently, the Group counts 5 Professors, 15 Ph.D. students, 12 M.Sc. students, and 12 undergraduate students. The scientific production of GTA accounts 20 Ph.D. and 90 M.Sc. Thesis, and more than 200 publications. The main research areas of GTA are on Quality of Service, Security, Routing, and Wireless Networks.

GTA is currently participating of international projects such as the CAPES/COFECUB Project. This project is an international cooperation agreement where GTA participates since 1994. The project involves LIP6 (Laboratoire d’Informatique de Paris 6) from Université Pierre et Marie Curie (France), LAAS (Laboratoire d’Analyse et d’Architecture des Systèmes) associated to Université de Toulouse (France), and three Brazilian universities.
The main activities are in Quality of Service, Mobility, and Multimedia. In addition, GTA also participates several Brazilian projects funded by CNPq and Faperj . CNPq is the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development. CNPq is linked to the Ministry of Science and Technology (MCT), which supports Brazilian research. Faperj, on the other hand, is a public foundation to support research in the state of Rio de Janeiro.

NetCenter Informatica LTDA – Key contact is Marcelo Macedo Acha

Netcenter is specialized in outsourcing services and infrastructure solutions of IT with more than 13 years of expertise in the Brazilian market. Netcenter has already developed projects in the main cities of Brazil. It has a structure capable to timely fulfill the different clients’ requirements. Netcenter fosters improvements in the internal processes of our clients, increasing efficiency and the availability of their business.
Netcenter works in the best technology conditions and has available partners, providing solutions that allow cost reduction and aggregated value to our clients’ business. As an integrator, Netcenter is part of EMC² Velocity, Microsoft Gold Certified Partner, VMWARE, Enterprise Partner, Trendmicro, Cisco, 3COM, IBM, among others. Netcenter guarantees excellence during clients support, the enterprise offers highly-skilled professionals in projects elaboration. Among the technologies and certifications of our professionals there are:
ITIL Foundation;
EMC Certified Professional;
Vmware Certified Professional – VCP;
Trend Micro Certified System Engineer;
Linux Professional Institute – LPI;
Cisco Certified Network Administrator - CCNA/CCDA;
Microsoft Certified Administrator – MCSA;
Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer – MCSE;
Microsoft Certified Data Base Administrator – MCDBA;
Oracle Data Base Administrator Certified Professional.

Unicamp – Key contact is Edmundo Roberto Mauro Madeira

The Institute of Computing was created by UNICAMP in 1996 to carry forth the University's goals of teaching, research, and other services to the community in the fields of Computer Science and Technology. The Institute currently offers undergraduate degrees in Computer Engineering (jointly with the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering) and in Computer Science; a Graduate Studies Program leading to Masters and Doctoral degrees; and several training and continuing education courses. Its faculty is engaged in hundreds of research projects, covering most specialties of the field, as well as numerous consulting and applied research contracts with governmental institutions and private companies. The Institute's origins can be traced back to 1969, when UNICAMP started an undergraduate degree in Computer Science. The first of its kind in Brazil, it was a model for many similar programs throughout the country. Later that year, the Computer Science Department (DCC) was officially created within the Institute of Mathematics, Statistics, and Computer Science (IMECC). In March 1996 the Department split off from IMECC to become UNICAMP's 20th teaching and research unit.

PUC (Pontificia Universidade Catolica de Rio de Janeiro) – Key Key Contact is Carlos Lucena
is a private non-profit Catholic University. It was created in 1941 by the Jesuit Company in order to develop knowledge based on humanistic values.
Now with, approximately, 10,000 undergraduate students, 2,500 graduate students and 5,000 extension students, PUC-RIO is internationally recognized as
one of the top five universities in Brazil and one of the two best in Rio de Janeiro.


Research areas