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This page is dedicated to exchange students in international mobility programs (Erasmus, bilateral exchange agreement, BCI, MICEFA, TASSEP) of Sorbonne Universite in Computer Science.

For outgoing students

For incoming students

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. I'm interested in some courses of the second semester. Can I follow these courses in the first semester?

    No, you can't. Unfortunately, a course of the second semester is not open in the first semester.

  2. How can I get the code of a course to fill in my Learning Agreement?

    For undergraduate courses, you can get the codes of the courses in the description page. For graduate courses, you can find them in the Master's planning. I also collect the codes of the courses at this link for your convenience.

  3. What does "TD" or "TME" or "CM" mean?

    TD (Travaux dirigés) = Exercises explained on blackboard (or paper and pen)
    TME (Travaux sur Machine Encadrés) = Lab = Hands-on with computer
    CM (Cours Magistral) = lecture given in a classroom or an amphitheater

  4. Can I still change the courses at mon arrival?

    Yes, you can still modify your Learning Agreement during the first two weeks of your mobility if you detect a time table collision or because the course's level is not suitable for you.