Sample menu:

Important Dates

July 12, 2009:

Due to several requests the deadline has been extended to

August 16, 2009:
Extended submission deadline (Firm Deadline)

Notification of acceptance
October 7, 2009

Camera-ready version
November 8, 2009

Author Instructions for Camera Ready Paper Submission

Following six steps give you detailed instruction to prepare for your final camera-ready paper. For information about Travel Grant, Accommodation, Visas and other conference activities, please access the IFIP WD 2009 Website:

Final paper submission consists of six critical steps:

  1. Send your Registration,
  2. Complete the Copyright Form
  3. Submit the Copyright Form
  4. Format final version of paper
  5. Generate Xplore-compatible PDF Format Paper
  6. Submit the Final PDF version on the EDAS system

Failure to comply with all the required elements will lead to the removal of the paper from the technical program and the conference record.

Step 1: Send your Registration

For each accepted paper, at least one author must register at a FULL registration rate for the conference by Sunday 8 November 2009 noon (EST) as the presenter. For authors presenting multiple papers, one FULL registration is valid for up to TWO papers.

For registration information, go to Registration link

Step 2: Complete the Copyright Form

To complete the Copyright Form, you can fullfil the MS Word or PDF versions.

  1. MS Word verison can be uploaded on the following link
  2. PDF verison can be uploaded on the following link

Step 3: Submit the IEEE Copyright Form

The Copyright Form must be faxed to + 33 1 44 27 87 83. Attention: Aziza Lounis

In addition, the Copyright Form must be sent in hardcopy by mail to:

Aziza Lounis - IFIP WD 2009
Laboratoire LIP6 - CNRS
Universite Pierre et Marie Curie
104, avenue du President Kennedy
75016 Paris - France

Your must complete the copyright transfer by fax no later than Sunday 8 November 2009. If you fail to comply, the paper will be dropped from the program. The hardcopy must be received no longer than two weeks after the reception of the fax copy.

Step 4: Format final version of paper

Please read the reviews and follow the reviewers' recommendations for revising your final paper. To guarantee good quality proceedings contents, your paper must comply with the IFIP WD 2009 paper specifications. In particular, this means:

Guidelines for preparing proceedings-style manuscripts are available for LaTeX and Microsoft Word users in a specific template, in the following link.

Print out a hard copy of the paper for final content review. Review very carfully the formatting requirements. In particular, check acknowledgments, equations, and author affiliations.

Step 5: Generate Xplore-compatible PDF Format Paper

IEEE is very strict about the requirements for converting application files or PostScript files to full-text PDF for inclusion in IEEE Xplore. The new IEEE Xplore Requirements for PDF will be enforced. All conference articles submitted for inclusion in IEEE Xplore must be in Xplore-compatible PDF format. You can find information about the paper verifications in the following:

Introduction to IEEE PDF eXpress

IFIP WD 2009 has registered for use of the IEEE tool: IEEE PDF eXpress.

According to the new IEEE Xplore Requirements for PDF, all conference articles submitted for inclusion in IEEE Xplore must adhere to the IEEE Xplore PDF specification for compatibility.

IEEE PDF eXpress is a free service to IEEE conferences, allowing their authors to make IEEE Xplore-compatible PDFs (Conversion function) or to check PDFs that authors have made themselves for IEEE Xplore compatibility (PDF Check function).

It is important to note that submitting a file to IEEE PDF eXpress is only for creation of a compliant PDF file, you must still submit your final paper through EDAS.

Instructions for IEEE PDF eXpress

1. Access the IEEE PDF eXpress site
First-time users: Previous users, but using it the first time for a new conference: Returning users:
a. Click "New Users - Click Here". a. Enter wd09x for the Conference ID, your email address, and enter the password you used for your old account. a. Enter wd09x for the Conference ID, email address and password.
b. Enter wd09x for the Conference ID, your email address,
and choose a new password. Continue to enter information as prompted.
b. When you click "Login", you'll receive an error saying you need to set up an account.
Simply click "Continue". By entering your previously used email address and password combination, you will enable your old account
for access to this new conference.
c. You will receive online and email confirmation of successful account setup. c. Check that the contact information is still valid, and click "Submit".
d. You will receive online and email confirmation
of successful account setup.
2. For each conference paper, click "Create New Title".
3. Enter identifying text for the paper (title is recommended but not required)
4. Click "Submit PDF for Checking" or "Submit Source Files for Conversion"
5. Indicate platform, source file type (if applicable), click Browse and navigate to file,
and click "Upload File". You will receive online and email confirmation of successful upload.
6. You will receive an email with your Checked PDF or IEEE PDF eXpress-converted PDF attached.
If you submitted a PDF for Checking, the email will show if your file passed or failed.
Options(choose one) If the PDF submitted fails the PDF check: If you are not satisfied with the IEEE PDF eXpress-converted PDF: If the PDF submitted passed the PDF Check, or you are satisfied with your
IEEE PDF eXpress-converted PDF:
Option 1 Submit your source file for conversion PDF Check, or by clicking Try again, then
Submit Source Files for Conversion.
Resubmit your source file with corrections (Try again, then Submit Source Files for Conversion)
Option 2 Read the PDF Check report, then click "The PDF Check Report" in the
sidebar to get information on possible solutions.
Submit a PDF by clicking Try again,then Submit PDF for Checking Submit your IEEE Xplore compatible PDF [through PaperPlaza].
Option 3 "Request Technical Help" through your account. "Request a Manual Conversion"through your account.
IEEE PDF eXpress converts the following file types to PDF:

Rich Text Format
(La)TeX (DVI and all support files required)*
Word Pro
Microsoft Word

* For documents created in formats that do not embed source files, include all support files with the final manuscript in a folder. Put this folder in a compressed archive for submission. If it is possible to embed images in the source document, you should do so to avoid potential issues, such as missing graphics.

IMPORTANT: A DVI (DeVice Independent file) is required for LaTeX conversions, in addition to all associated image files. Make sure that your LaTeX system can output a DVI, otherwise it cannot be converted. Be sure also to check that your images are properly referenced, and that DVI can handle the image file types used (DVI does not handle some newer image types, such as *.png).

Step 6: Submit the PDF Paper File on the EDAS system

To appear in the proceedings of the conference we must have the final version of your full camera-ready paper by Sunday 8 November 2009. Your camera-ready paper(s) should be uploaded electronically through the EDAS system. Please update the author names, the title, and the abstract of your paper on EDAS as well.

Preparation of Oral Presentations

An oral presentation consists of 20 minutes for presentation of the paper, including an overview of the problem, the novel approach in the paper and results. An additional 5 minutes are available for discussion with the attendees. The presenter should prepare a reasonable number of slides in their electronic document, so as not to exceed the 20 minutes time. Typically, one slide is presented in one minute. Additional illustrations could be prepared to support possible answers to attendees' questions.